Monday, December 13, 2010


Not much has happened the last couple of days, hence the random nature of the last few posts. Today was no exception. I believe a large part of this is spending 8 hours or so at work, then returning home, eating dinner and gaming most nights. The weekends are when things happen. Or when I catch up on sleep from the exhaustion of the rest of the week.

So this post will be about a buncha random things that pop into my head.

It occurs to me that I am quite horrible at wrapping Christmas presents. After finally "finishing" the Chrissy shopping last weekend (I am still on the lookout for an extra for my sister's boyfriend, since he kinda got screwed :P), I finally started wrapping some of the stuff this evening. Or trying to, at least.
Most of it looks like it was wrapped by a 5 year old. It looks horrible! (No photos of them, its embarassing) Hopefully they'll hold until it gts into the hands of the people who are tasked with ripping it to shreads!

Today, I opened up registrations for a new forum RP I'm starting on the Madman forum. I have run a game there before, which was quite successful until stresses from multiple sources caused me to ragequit it.
After some break, and finding out that I'm not likely to be GMing my group's real-life Pathfinder all too often (at least, not consistently for a while), I decided to open a new one - this time based off the Pathfinder ruleset, so that it gives me a chance to learn the ruleset properly, as well as it simply being a ruleset that I enjoy. I do need to figure out how to er... "lighten it up" a little, so that it can be run on a forum. I found no resources on such on the interwebs at all! Once I figure out how I'm adapting things, I'll post that stuff here (feel free to make suggestions!)

Today, we found that we had run out of gluten free ingredients at home. (I'm trialling a gluten-free diet until I get to see the doctor again for confirmation of anything. I feel marginally better so far - a week later) Normally, not a huge deal. Except that I needed some for work.
So I went to work, figuring that when it came time for food, I would find something around that's gluten free. There's a fair bit of choice near the new offices.
Unfortunately, none of it seemed to be suitable for someone on a gluten free diet. Either that or I just don't know about things that seem bad, but are actually ok for me, I mean I've only done this thing for a week!
In the end, I bought a couple of prawn sushi rolls (in rice paper), with cabbage and lettuce from a little place called Kaizoku (that would be Japanese for PIRATE - this makes me happy). It turned out that I didn't particularly enjoy these particular rolls, but I ate them anyway because I was hungry.
And I remained hungry. So, so hungry.
Om nom nom nom nom nom nom.

Anyway, dinner's very soon, so time to wrap this up. Ciaos!

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