Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pathfinder - The Bastards of Erebus

So, today I Gmed the much anticipated end of the first part of our Pathfinder campaign.

For those who don't know, Pathfinder is essentially Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, refined. I prefer it over D&D 4 for a few reasons, for example the simplifications in Pathfinder make more sense than the DnD4 ones. I particularly like keeping the 9 tiered alignment system (all combinations of Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good and Evil, as opposed to DnD 4 removing Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil)

I've GMed a couple of sessions of this now, and the "party" (3 players, consisting of Mark, Andrew and Sarah) have successfully completed the first part of our Adventure Path, titles "Council of Thieves"

This first book had the heroes meet with some rebels who have the goal of attempting to make the doomed city of Westcrown a nier place to live, rescuing their leader, and then destroying the bandit group known as the Bastards of Erebus, a group of Tiefling thieves who have been causing trouble in Westcrown lately.

All seemed to go fairly smoothly, although we had a few rough patches, such as a surprise attack on the party while in the Bastards' lair which almost resulted in Dorn (a Ranger who acts more like a Barbarian) having some speed holes added to him via crossbow bolts.

Dorn did, however, see fit to eat a bolt of linen cloth which was being attacked by moths.

I awarded him 200 bonus experience for this. After all, it was amazing, and he even rolled a 20 on it :)

So now our heroes have stamped out the Bastards of Erebus, discovered there was a connection between them and the well hidden Council of Thieves, and have agreed to audition for parts in a play entitled "The Six Trials of Larazod" - a play where noone has survived playing the main characters in the uncut version.

They're in a play as part of a larger plot to infiltrate nobel and government buildings in an attempt to find a way to put an end to the shadow beasts that lurk the streets at night.

Yes, it seems odd. It also seems damn hilarious, and I can hardly wait the two weeks to see Dorn die a horrible death on stage - possibly literally :P

The other characters in the party are slightly less insane, being a druid who calls himself Kynan of the Grove, and a Sorceress with a draconic heritage known as Azerlia.

Fun stuff :)

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