Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Post

Greetings and salutations, poor fool who dared to venture to my blog.

I don't know why you're here. In fact, I don't even know why I'm doing this, apart from having had multiple people tell me I should write a blog. I'm looking at you Amir and Dwaine.

Well, not really, because if I was looking at you that would be creepy.

So, my name is Andrew, and I'm a geek. I'm into programming, video games, Japanese anime, and Pathfinder.
Pathfinder would be an offshoot of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, since I found DnD 4.0 was too simplistic.

Speaking of DnD, I really want one of those cool D20 that glows when you roll a critical hit... would be perfect for when I finally wipe out my pesky player party... muahahahaha!

I spend a lot of time nowadays programming for the iPhone. Possibly because I enjoy it, but more likely because its my job.
I do enjoy it though. Enough to have recently purchased a cheap mac (well, cheap for a mac anyway) against my regular human instincts, and have begun development on my own app. More on that another time methinks.

So in this corner of the intertubes, I will occasionally be posting things. A lot of the time, it'd just be opinions on games, anime, etc. Whatever catches my mind at the time. It'll also probably be very rambling. Like this post.

Sometimes though, it may get serious. Even technical at times.
But usually geeky :)

I also *may* forget about this thing altogether. We shall see.

Ciao for now!
~ Kalgar

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