Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Office Move

So, yesterday, myself and the rest of the good people at The Project Factory moved offices. We moved a massive distance from Surry Hills to somewhere else in Surry Hills. Good times...

Now we have an office of our own - the previous one being a shared affair with a couple of other small companies. Our expansion has apparently raised a need for more space, and so we moved to a bigger, shinier place.

This has unsettled me quite a bit.

The new office is in what appears to be a slightly more "swanky" part of town. There are at least three cafes within 5 minutes walk from our office - including one that we don't even have to leave the building for.

The other offices in this building are populated by people who actually dress up for work! Anyone who knows me knows that I am averse to being more dressed up than a T-shirt and pair of pants at the best of times. Now that I am seemingly surrounded by the trendy crowd, I feel out of place.

Well, until I get into the office itself and find multiple coworkers dressed similarly to me. It's a beautiful thing being the code monkey - rarely, if ever, having to talk to clients :P

Its not without its perks though. The new office is located near places that sell food. Unlike the old place, where if I wanted to get a burger I had to walk a good 10 minutes to my old college, to the nice little place next door. Now I can walk about 5 minutes and get a burger.

Except that now I'm trialling a gluten-free diet due to the events of last week. Which makes most easily obtainable takeaway food not suitable for my consumption. Frustrating!

I have quite a good spot in the office though. A good 5 or 10 metres from the big window. Facing said window, so I'm not blinded by glare from the screen. Next to a wall which is amazing for leaning on.

So now that the work day has ended, it is time to head off to Japanese class. Woo Thursday!

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