Sunday, December 19, 2010

Parties in the City

Apologies for the lack of posting lately, I have been quite, quite busy with things like work, as well as other events.

Friday night, I attended my girlfriend's japanese class' Christmas party. There was an official one held by the actual college (I also attend the same college, a class ahead of her), however, her class had to run one week late due to their teacher visiting home, and their management's inability to replace the teacher for said week. Therefore, he class was actually in class while the party was going on.

To compensate for this, her class organised their own get together, for the following night. I and my class were also invited - probably due to my link to their class. The rest of my class were unable to attend due to varying work, lack of funds and "being busy" (whatever that means).

I attended, however, it was made quite difficult by my current gluten-free diet. You see, we went to a restaurant called Wagaya - Japanese food. Quite nice. However, ordering is done via touch screens - which makes it quite difficult to get hold of a waiter and ask annoying questions about the gluten content - particularly since there were over 300 items on the menu.

Luckily enough, Miwa-sensei (the other class' teacher) was able to assist me greatly with this, due to her being Japanese, and having known people with gluten-intolrances before. She was able to point out to me that soy sauce is a VERY bad thing to have in terms of gluten content, and steered me towards things that I could have.

Which included Ox-tongue. Which was very *interesting*, to say the least.

Following an epic meal (which also included sushi roulette - being a game where you get 6 sushi, one being utterly loaded to the brim with wasabi. Pick a sushi, eat it and hope... I was one of the fortunate survivors), we went to Passionflower for dessert.

Depressing as all hell.

Allow me to elaborate - 95% of the menu items at Passionflower contain gluten. Even the regular ice cream had cookies in it, or was served in a waffle basket and all. And the just regular ice cream in a glass had flavours that were vague and uninteresting. In fact, all I was allowed was a regular ice cream flavour, or a strawberries and plain chocolate fondue dip thing - which I can have any time any where, for cheaper!

It ended in me not ordering anything at all, and instead taking a walk for the majority of that trip in an effort to not lose my ind watching people eat epic waffles and such.

In the end, we had to get a taxi home. This was fun - Christmas parties everywhere, in the city, with lots of drunk people. It took catching a bus to Circular Quay, finding the cab rank nearby, and waiting around 40 minutes to get a taxi home! Gah!

All in all, it was a good night out. Much sake was drunk, a fair few bourbon and cokes were had, and probably too much ox-tongue and scampi was consumed :P

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