Friday, December 3, 2010


So, today I had off work, for a little bit of day surgery.

A gastroscopy to be exact. I had a blood test a few weeks ago and was deemed as potentially having Coeliac Disease, and so was sent off to a specialist to get this test booked.

To be honest, I was freaking out before the op. I'd never been under sedation before, and I HATE needles of any sort. In fact, I tend to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach with anything medical.

The aforementioned blood test had actually caused me to pass out shortly after.

Anyway, so there I am, in a day surgery center, awaiting my turn to go in with my mother hanging around (someone had to drive me home) and my girlfriend (she was worried), desperately trying to avoid torture via tickling (from both parties) when an older lady comes and "saves" me from death via laughter.

I am then interrogated about when the last time I ate and drank were, told to get changed (into one of those stupid backless robes, weird feet bags and a shower cap), and wait for the anaesthesist to show up and talk to me.

So I sit in this cold room, wearing very little apart from a robe with a slit in the back, idly staring at a tv. It was then that I realised the tv was showing some hospital show, so I immediately changed it to the least offensive / boring material I could find.

Which was cricket.

I hate cricket.

2 excruciating hours later, I'm taken into the room where they do things to people, and am quite quickly interrogated (again), and made to inspect my signature on the form. Without my glasses on. I could barely see the form, let alone the signature!

So, I slept, woke up, and have been informed that at first glance, I am not showing signs of Coeliac. The samples they took still need to be analysed, but it seems a little odd to me.

Then the question hits... if its not Coeliac, then what in the hell is causing my guts to hate me? But who cares? At the time, I had a cheese sandwich and orange juice, and all was well with the world.


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