Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Terraria, Duke Nukem Forever, and The Backloggery

Sarah bought me Terraria the other day. This was simultaneously awesome and horrible, in that it is quite a good game, but horrendously addictive and has undermined the very reason I avoided a certain game, but more on that in a moment.

Terraria is a 2D sidescrolling, tile based creation game. What this term-I-just-invented-in-order-to-sound-semi-intelligent means is that you start in a world with just a pick and an axe. You now start mining, or chopping trees to get materials (stone, wood, ores) to use to create things. Things like a workbench, a house, maybe some weapons. When the night comes, hide in your house before the zombies eat you!

Sound familiar? That's because it seems very much like Minecraft. At least, to me, it does. However, I have never played Minecraft. This is where the undermining certain principles mentioned above comes from.

I purposely avoided Minecraft for the reason that it is horrendously addictive, and would prevent me from playing other games. If you think my backlog is bad as it is now (and its a bit out of date, more games have been purchased!), it would be at least three times as bad if I played Minecraft! In fact, one large reason certain games were neglected to this degree is due to a little game known as World of Warcraft. Now, I have kicked the WoW habit, but Terraria is leading me towards the slippery slope that is buying and becoming hopelessly addicted to Minecraft, and this worries me slightly.

More on Terraria when I've played it more - I've managed to resist playing it for hours on end due to my current quest to 5 star all of the Final Fantasy XIII side missions...


Duke Nukem Forever has the gold master ready to go. Believe it or not, the game that's taken something like 14 years to develop will soon be purchasable. I, for one, welcome back our old stripper-savin', alien-ass-kickin' 80s action hero with balls of steel! Ever since I heard that Gearbox took over the IP, I was looking more forward to the game - mainly because playing a modern version of Duke appeals to me, since large chunks of my childhood were spent playing the demo of DN3D.


The Backloggery is a website dedicated to allowing people keep track of their gaming backlogs - to assist them in completing their old games. I took a page out of their book and started tracking it on this very blog, since they were overwhelmed with users (server downtime ensued, as well as the need to upgrade the website - which was delayed due to the developer falling quite badly ill). As a result, registration for the website was locked - since it would be a bad idea to allow more users to join while it was already suffering. Now, finally, registration is slated to be reopened on June 3rd - and I plan on moving my backlog list there, assuming I can register in a timely manner (I'm kind of expecting it to get swamped again). Worth a try at least!

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