Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rage Comics

Recently I have become addicted to Rage Comics. For those who don't know what they are, they are meme-like comics using faces which were originally drawn in MSPaint (or at least look like they were) along with an attempt at some form of humour. A lot of them tend to point out the stupidity of some people, others have extremely random situations, and others are simply crass. However, I can't seem to stop looking at them! It's like they're infectious or something.

I suspect that a lot of these images originated on that hive of scum and villainy known as 4chan. I cannot back that up, but its the feeling I get from some of the art. Considering I stay away from that corner of the Internet (I know what's good for me) I cannot say whether the rage comics have taken off there - however, one place which they seem to grow in number daily is on Reddit - to the point where they made a complete subreddit for these comics. It is aptly abbreviated to F7U12.

The reason these comics are called "Rage Comics" is that, more often than not, they include a rage face. However, they don't always. I suppose its the law of the internet - things start one way but get corrupted, though somehow retaining their original title or name. Its quite odd, isn't it?

I even have multiple iPhone apps that deal with this. One is the Rage Faces app, which is simply a large set of rage faces and the means to copy and paste them into the SMS app (which I enjoy annoying people with occasionally nowadays). Another is the Rage Comics app, so I can look at some of the stuff from Reddit in a decently readable format when I'm on the go.

I have no idea why I'm so addicted to these. Possibly because they are so stupid, and quick to read when I need a moment's break.

Airplane rage

Are you guys addicted to any particular Internet memes?


  1. Have you tried memebase.com?

    I love Business Cat and the internet dating site murderer one. lololol

  2. The corruption of which you speak is usually known as 'memetic mutation'.

    *45 minute TV Trope walk later*

    Oh yes, I was doing this, wasn't I? Here's a relevant link.

