Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Feel Old

It's my 25th birthday this Sunday. That's right, a quarter of a century has passed since I was born. I don't know why, but this seems to make me feel much older than I have any right to!

Perhaps it is because the vast majority of the friends I see regularly are younger than me. Perhaps it is because my girlfriend is also younger than me. Perhaps it is because the majority of people I hung out with when the local internet cafe still existed were younger than me, or 98% of my workmates at my previous employment (the hive of scum and villainy known as McDonalds) were younger than me (also, they possessed a collective IQ of 12).

More likely, I feel old because my insurance premiums go down, because I'm no longer a "Young Adult", and simply an adult. Removing the word young makes me feel old!

On the other hand, I still play video games a lot (which some people see as childish, despite the fact that the average gamer's age is now in the 30s). I still watch cartoons (admittedly it is usually anime when I get a chance, but they *are* cartoons). I still block my ears when my parents turn their music up (well, some of the time anyway. If they ever play Queen I'm turning their music up further). I still would join in a food fight, if one broke out.

Then again, I have a full time job now, with all the goodness (money, interesting work to do) and not so goodness (its work!) that it entails. I lack the free time required to continue doing what I'd really want to do (which is simply copious amounts of gaming). I cannot do the Friday night gaming all nighters I used to pull with mates (most likely I would simply fall apart by 1am).

Also, XKCD managed to make me feel old. You bastage! :P

The Matrix was HOW LONG AGO?!?!?
On a slightly more informative note, tomorrow I'm attending a birthday party at Heartbreak Ridge paintball (not my birthday, a friend's one - and I won't to tell the people who don't know there that it's also my birthday until they run out of paint). On Sunday the rest of the family is coming over for Mother's Day (they didn't want to come, as far as I can tell, but Mum pulled the "it's his birthday!" card on them, to the dismay of all involved - myself included).

And me? Well, I plan on spending as much of Sunday playing Dragon Age 2 as possible.


  1. You'll regret playing Dragon Age 2. I more or less guarantee it.

    Happy birthday, by the way. Hope you have a great day and treat yourself to something nice.

  2. I regret nothing!

    I enjoyed Dragon Age II, just the ending was ridiculously nonexistent :P
