Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Unable to concentrate on a single topic today, I shall post whatever comes to mind. Hey, the damn blog title says its rambling, so I'm entitled :)

I saw a poster for a new movie with Matt Damon in it this morning. Is it a bad thing that every time I hear or see the name Matt Damon I think of Team America?

I also saw a poster for a movie starring Colin Farrell. Unlike Matt Damon, when I hear the name Colin Farrell I think of movies that he actually starred in, like S.W.A.T, Daredevil and that weird Irish Comedy I can't remember the name of. While the movies may not be amazing, he's fun to watch.

I got to Matsuri in time for beef teriyaki today. No running a kilometer for tacos today!

A new programmer started at work today. All of a sudden I feel more professional because he set the company up with a git repository, and sorted me out in terms of getting onto it. It also relieves me that I'm either unlikely to be coding the server stuff, or that I will be taught how to do it by someone who actually has a clue on how to do these kinds of things.

Tomorrow night I have Japanese class. All I can do right now is struggle to remember what I did on the weekend, since its a foregone conclusion that I will be asked this in Japanese class. However, when I realise that at least half of the weekend was spent playing Pathfinder, I try to think of something else to say, as history has proven that Pathfinder and trying to explain what happened in Japanese class do not go together. Mainly because Tomoka-sensei doesn't quite get Pathfinder, or D&D etc.

せんしゅまつ なに か しました か?

No I don't know any Kanji. Don't ask.

It has been brought to my attention that I am an idiot who forgets a lot of things, and as a result I probably have no business running a Pathfinder game, let alone two. Why I persist, I'll never know.

I'm thirsty, and have a slight headache. I might run off to get myself some Coke. Not particularly healthy - and something I probably should be avoiding due to current gut issues, but I don't care. I want a Coke dammit!

I've been sick a lot lately. But not in the typical way. Well, its normal for me, but different. For the last week and a half I've been sick at least once a day (with the notable exception of Pathfinder day), but unlike pre-gluten free dietness, it wasn't in a way that I have not been able to eat for hours following. Its been brief sickness, followed by quick recovery. Weird. I still do not like this though... in fact, its getting to the point where I am wondering what the point of a diet that seems to be having no effect on me is. *shrug* No choice but to continue until I see the doc again.

Oh crap, I have to get blood taken again in like 2 weeks time. I'm totally gonna pass out again.

I received some games in the mail from PlayAsia yesterday. I was stoked to get Megaman Maverick Hunter X for PSP in their sale (along with Valkyria Chronicles 2, Folklore, Little Big Planet 2 Collector's Edition, and the still-on-its-way-in-the-mail Demon Souls) until I realised that this is the same Megaman game I had borrowed from Andrew a few months ago - returning it shortly after due to its extreme difficulty.

Its not a real Megaman game unless its difficult.

Is Pacman a game about a pizza at a rave that can see and eat dead people? This knowledge makes me love the game even more.

You should totally watch this tetris video. It is amazing.

Now I'm gonna go grab that Coke, and take some Nurofen. My head hurts. Ciao!

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