I now am back at work, and my computer is finally back in the land of the living, and so I can actually make posts again.
Miss me?
Didn't think so.
Anyhoo, the last couple of weeks were interesting... and quite relaxing. A fair bit of nothing went on, though I did do some things.
Christmas Day was the usual shindig at my place. Family members I rarely see appeared, presents were exchanged, and food was eaten. Lots of food. Like, heaps.
The difference is that this (last I spose) year, the food needed to be gluten free so that I would be able to consume it without my insides melting.
This didn't change much. In fact, it was only my portion that was made gluten-free. So once we reached dessert time (after 3 courses of random meats, pasta and more meats), the true difficulty of my condition hit home.
Plaits of wheaty, pastryish goodness covered in syrup. Cake - lots of it, and many brands of ice cream are inedible to me. Luckily pavlova is fine. As a result, I lived off the pav :P
Post-Christmas, I headed to my girlfriend's place for a few days, where we whiled the hours away playing videogames, and preparing for our next Pathfinder session, and just generally bumming around doing very little. And yes, we did get another Pathfinder session in - quite a long one too, covering the most of a night (10pm to about 4am) and much of the next day (10am to about 3pm).
New Year's Eve was a trip to the zoo. I have ridiculous amounts of photos of the tiger (it wasn't asleep for once! Did I mention tigers are my favourite animal actually-in-existence?), as well as numerous photos of the elephants (the baby one was really cute!)
The night portion of NYE was spent playing Final Fantasy VII. I didn't expect this, but we were both exhausted from wandering around the zoo for the most of the day and couldn't be bothered to go out - nor would we have really been able to, considering that there would have been something like 325682476286784275903862 people there...
After that, I was forced to return home, since my parents had gone on holidays, and they didn't trust my younger siblings to look after the house (and the cat - they took the dog with them) on their own. During that few days I managed to reach level 81 in WoW (Dwarf Hunter on Draenor named Kalgar), and caught up with a few mates who I used to work at Maccas with (playing Mario Kart 64, no less!)
Come the 5th of January, my lady and I headed to the south coast for a few days of escapism from family, and general existence. We didn't do much because the weather was utterly schizophrenic, but we did manage to play some putt-putt, and burn ourselves horrendously at the beach.
We returned, relaxed a day, and are now both back at work.
Oh, and somewhere in there, I managed to finish Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Good game, will talk more about that tomorrow.
It's a photo of me!!