Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I can't really put together a coherent post today. Something about there not being much happening at the moment, and such, so today's post will be a bunch of random thoughts I've had lately so that I stay in the habit of writing things.

The other day, someone mistook me for Jack Black when I walked into their convenience store and bought a drink. This is not the first time, though it typically happens when I don't shave for a few days (though to be fair, that happens most weeks because I shave Mondays, then get too lazy to do it again until either Friday, or the following Monday). It's tempting to run a social experiment to just stop shaving for a while, and see how many people approach me. Perhaps see how long I can keep the illusion up (probably just long enough for them to realise that the man doesn't wear glasses. Well, not ones to allow him to continue to see anyway...)

I recently started playing around with HGE (Haag's Game Engine) in C++ in preparation for an event I've applied for entering called GameJam. GameJam is an event for insane people where you spend an entire weekend making a game from scratch. Little to no sleep. To enforce this, they give you a topic and a set of keywords, which aren't revealed until the event begins. You are allowed to use whatever libraries you like, however, and so I started getting back into C++, since iPhone programming isn't very conducive to presenting the game on stage at the end of the event.
Anyway, I noticed that the HGE tutorials have only some of the WORST CODE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Its rife with magic numbers, global variables, and cryptic math that makes me want to find whoever wrote that tutorial, and shove a programming practices book down their throat, which will likely have the same effect as sunlight has on vampires (not the Twilight vampires, they're not vampires, they're sparkle fairies).
The engine itself isn't that bad, and it's possible to salvage it, but those tutorials... it physically hurt me to code like that. Once I get a bit more of a handle on the thing I'm totally gonna write a basic framework for myself. Well, less of a framework more of an organisational thing.

Today, I had breakfast for the first time in ages. I used to never be able to eat solid food before 10.30 or 11am, because if I did I would be sick all day. It seems this was a side effect of my undiscovered Coeliac, since typically breakfast foods (cereals, toast, etc) are filled to the brim with gluten. This morning I woke up early (accidentally), and decided to give that gluten free cereal Mum found a go. I didn't feel particularly well as I headed into work today, but by the time I got there the feeling passed. Though having brekky didn't have the utterly electric effect on my energy levels that I've been told it would. Science lied to me?

I have been sleeping utterly horribly lately. No idea why. This might be contributing to my acting quite crabby when I get home from work. I'd apologise, but right now I probably wouldn't mean it :P
So damn tired...

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