Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random Thoughts

No single, coherent topic today, though I have some more random mini-topics, so words shall be typed, and you shall read them.

This morning, I got a chance to give Crysis 2 a quick bash. In 3D (goggles and all). Yes, my last post was about how I hate 3D. I still hate 3D. However, this didn't hurt my eyes as much as usual, and it even had a slight 3D looking effect on the gun. It may be possible to make this thing work after all, though that wasn't the point I was arguing (it probably is possible to do 3D well. Just not yet).
I will probably pick up Crysis 2 at some point to play on my gloriously 3D-incapable monitor, because the graphics are so pretty...

My face to face Pathfinder group hasn't had a session in months. This is due to one of our players constantly being annihilated by work (at Maccas >.<) and uni (last semester of a teaching degree). Once that's done, we will likely resume a more consistent play schedule, though by that point we'll all have forgotten what had happened in the game as well! Thank God for the Madboards Pathfinder to tide me over!

Speaking of which, said Madboards Pathfinder is becoming increasingly difficult to moderate due to Krug. SMK, I know you're gonna read this, and I'm glad you're staying in character, however the last action you took may well lead to your death. Well, that or break the plot irreconcilably. Either works.
Plot wise (and there are minor spoilers here), there is a plot-scheduled pub brawl that is supposed to begin (and will very soon), however it is supposed to be weapons free. The material I am using states that the moment someone draws a weapon, the Sheriff will be on them like Donkey Kong, which makes sense. If people are fist fighting and someone draws their blade, then that guy is the biggest threat. Krug has drawn his greatsword, so he will have a level 4, fully healthy fighter bearing down on him. Not pretty at all...

Cityrail failed more so than usual yesterday. Somehow their signal box at Sydenham station managed to die (I was told some vandals got to it), and caused pretty much every train to be stopped indefinitely. I was at Revesby station at 7.30am, to go to work. I arrived at work at approximately 10.30am. Something's wrong here...
They'll likely try to apologise to everyone by having a day where train travel is free. This seems to be their standard apology method. However, there is a big issue with this - it doesn't actually make up for the failure to the people who were put out by it.
For example, someone takes the trains to work regularly. They likely buy a weekly (or even fortnightly) ticket, since its cheaper than to buy a return ticket every day. So ShittyRail schedules a day where travel is free. The people who have already paid for this weekly ticket don't get any benefit - they already paid for that free day.
And the people who used the trains as a one off the day they failed? What are the chances that they need to use the train on the day they pick to make free?


Dino D-Day is horrendous. Don't waste your money. This guy explains it all in a 20 minute video - and explains it better than I ever could.

1 comment:

  1. Cock. And here was me wanting to nail the bandit to the ceiling.
