Gaming Backlog

This page is both for myself, and people who are interested in what I am playing, what I intend to play, and so forth.

The trap that many gamers fall into (and you may well have yourself!) is that I can't stop buying games! Its like a burning need. Oh, a new awesome looking game came out? Buy! Oh, that game I missed it is $20 now? Buy!

Couple that with having a little money to throw around from finally getting a full time job (mid-last year, but the 8.5 years spent as a McDonald's "chef" doesn't exactly fade quickly), and my games collection blows out to a ridiculous degree.

So this post, which will be consistently updated, will contain the games I have, but have not yet completed. It will be in the order that I will play them, and list them as completed or not yet. The order may get shuffled around, but this will help me keep track, as well as allow those who are interested to see what I have lined up. And I have some amazing stuff lined up. As well as some utterly godawful stuff. And if we see a pattern where the same game keeps getting shafted for something else, well, we'll see about fixing that!

Games I do not own are not eligible. I will also not be listing games that I have already finished.
(Dragon Age Origins/Awakening qualifies for the list only because it is not quite finished, though it likely will be tonight). Also, games which do not have a definable end are also not eligible, though may elicit a mention in the "Now Playing" section.
When an item on the list is crossed off, it is finished. Obviously.

Also, at some point, when Backloggery returns to allowing registrations, I will migrate this list over there. I sincerely hope the developer over there recovers from his condition soon :)

So without any further adieu, the list begins!

This list is not comprehensive (yet). Also, reshuffling of games further down the list will occur.

Latest Update:  
16/5/2011 - Started Hydrophobia: Prophecy, added Yar's Revenge, added Batman: Arkham Asylum, added Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Finished Hydrophobia: Prophecy (such a short game)

Currently Playing:
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Sidequesting
Final Fantasy III (iPhone)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World (Wii) <Playing coop with Sarah>
Little Big Planet 2 (PS3) <only playing in multiplayer>
Patapon 3 (PSP) 

List (ordered):
Dragon Age Origins / Awakening (PC) - COMPLETE!
Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy (PSP) - COMPLETE!
Final Fantasy III (iPhone)
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (PS3) - COMPLETE! 
Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube) - COMPLETE!

Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - STORY COMPLETE! Sidequests pending...
Hydrophobia: Prophecy (PC)- COMPLETE!
Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)
Resistance 2 (PS3)
Portal 2 (PC) - Both Single Player and Coop campaigns COMPLETE!
Dragon Age 2 (PC) - COMPLETE
Magicka + Magicka: Vietnam (PC) 
Secret Agent Clank (PSP) - COMPLETE!

Patapon 3 (PSP)
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (PSP)
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (PSP)
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (PSP)
Alan Wake (Xbox 360) - Started
Enslaved: Journey to the West (Xbox 360) - Started
Chaos Rings (iPhone)
Eat Lead - The Return of Matt Hazard (PS3)
Mass Effect (PC)
Mass Effect 2 (PC)
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution (PC) 
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
Final Fantasy VI (PS1)
Vagrant Story (PS1)
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)
Mad World (Wii)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
Uncharted 2 (PS3)

Yar's Revenge (PC)
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (PS3)
Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3)

Bloodbowl (PC) <finishable? unknown>
Dead Rising (Xbox 360)
Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360)
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP)

Lord of Arcana (PSP)
Folklore (PS3)
Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
Demon's Souls (PS3)
Afro Samurai (PS3)
Wet (Xbox 360)
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin (PC)
The Ball (PC)
The Void (PC)
Serious Sam HD 2 (PC)

Baldur's Gate (PC)
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC)
Icewind Dale (PC)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (PC)
Bulletwitch (Xbox 360)
Deus Ex (PC) <replay before Deus Ex 3 is released>
Deus Ex: Invisible War (PC)
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (PC) <Visual Novel Series>
Disgaea 3 (PS3)
Megaman: Maverick Hunter X (PSP)
Fairytale Fights (PS3)
Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)
Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World (Wii)
Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) <is there even an end to this game? must check>
Resident Evil Zero (Wii)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Wii)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) <somehow never got around to finishing it>
The Witcher (PC)
Borderlands + DLC (PC) 
Dragon Quest: Swords (Wii)
Crysis (PC) <extremely low priority>